But deciding just how the world goes could be time consuming. Here are five ways with brief internet research that are wonderful guides on how to end your particular world, so you can get straight to the meat of designing. About halfway through this post, I discovered a blog dedicated to finding obscure Google Maps mashups. Where I've found a handful of these, I found quite a good deal more there. Have fun!
1) Flood
2) Fire
3) Disease and pollution
Want to flesh out a zombie apocalypse, like I talked about a month ago? Disease spread and toxic areas are rather important. This map shows current and historical outbreaks. Here's one of swine flu. This map is one by the New York Times that shows polluters registered with the EPA. Here's a map of American towns and their individual risk of pollution. To see places to go to avoid other people, go to this map.
4) Chaos! Anarchy!
For early trends, check out unemployment levels. Here's a map of global happiness levels. If you really want to, you can find dozens of maps of the past years' revolutions in the middle east. Again, look at the global population density map.
5) Earthquakes! Volcanoes!
Finding this one was a blessing. National geographic has a custom map maker, where you can tell it what you're looking for. It's a beautiful tool. And this is their map of earthquakes in the US. Here's a map of earthquakes with volcanoes! And here's a map of earthquakes, volcanoes, and jaguars. Because I can.
After viewing these, how would you choose to end the world?
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