Monday, December 31, 2012

The End

As my last post of 2012, I wanted to look back on my posts for the year and determine what content I would prioritize for the coming year.

Looking at the top 10 visited posts of this year, I found a few things to be true about the hits that come in to this blog.  The vast majority came from Google searches; I took a look at what brought people here, and there are a few things I'm focusing on in 2013.

The absolute top result I received overall was on my Cthulhu 7th Edition post.  However, these searches weren't looking for anything regarding the tabletop RPG; they were searching for the picture of the Cthulhu boss from The Secret World, that I posted with the article.  This has a lot of overlap with two of the other entries on this top 10: it focuses on The Secret World, an MMO that came out this year and that had rather complicated puzzles and encouraged players to go out of the game.  My briefing on the Secret World ARG nearly topped that post, as players were searching for answers to the steps of the ARG.  In three days, it became the second most visited article I've ever posted.  I'm getting into Secret World again, and am considering staying.  That means there will be much more Secret World related content.
Two of the other entries focused on how classic RPG game developers have made the transition to the modern market.  One focused on the resurfacing of Black Isle, and the other focused on the death of Bioware.  They were editorials, and the only two of my editorials that didn't rely solely on me advertising them via Facebook for hits.  They were also rather well-timed.  Four of the ten were about current releases.  I intend to have much more coverage of games that are being released regularly.

Two more were articles pointing out Heresy-era conversions for Warhammer 40k parts.  I've tried my hand at it, and I will work on having a few guides this year, money willing.

That's my attempt at discerning a direction for 2013.  What would you like to see more of?

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