Monday, November 12, 2012

40k Dictionary: *EQ

There are specific standards that 40k has.  Of them, there are three that particularly stand out, especially when doing math on whether a unit is good or not.

When balancing a unit's efficiency and costs, a player needs to weigh different options.  This generally involves weighing a unit's ability to kill different infantry types (as well as different types of tanks, depending on the unit's role in your army).  It's usually measured in three different metrics, with Marine Equivalent being the most prominent, and calculates the number of Marines killed each round.

Terminator Equivalent (TEQ)
Kills per turn shooting/assaulting against a unit with 4 Toughness and a 2+ armor save with an invulnerable attached.

Marine Equivalent (MEQ)
Kills per turn shooting/assaulting against a unit with 4 Toughness and a 3+ armor save.

Guard Equivalent (GEQ)
Kills per turn shooting/assaulting against a unit with 3 Toughness and a 5+ armor save.

To calculate these, you compare the odds of you hitting based on your ballistic skill with the odds of you wounding them, as well as the odds of them saving.

Obviously, other measures come into play.  Rerolls, Feel no Pain, Instant Death, multi-wound models.  We also have different measures of vehicle kills, including Rhino-equivalent and Land Raider-equivalent.  Now, we need the equivalent of a Skyraven and a Valkyrie, with the new flyer rules.

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