Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Kickstarter: A Mobile Battery Recharge

In a conversation I had the other day, I mentioned in passing that I was hoping for a way to recharge my 3DS on the fly. This, largely, was the biggest drawback I saw in mobile gaming -- once your battery dies, you're pretty much stuck twiddling your thumbs, and you're always in a location where there's no handy outlet and you haven't brought a book -- a plane, a train, and so on. And then I found this Kickstarter.
For 30 bucks, you have enough storage capacity to recharge an iPhone 4 3-4 times over, or an iPad 80% in a device smaller than an actual iPhone. For $50, you get a device that has about twice as much power and is only slightly larger than the iPhone. With either kit, you get a full set of USB chargers to a variety of mobile devices, to boot. It ships in May '13, and will be disappearing this Friday, so snag it up while you can.
Additionally, the creator has a swell mustache:

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